Lloyd’s Register and Maritime History


This part of our website is devoted to all things maritime, especially in relation to the Lloyd’s Register Foundation and safety at sea. See below for stories on:  Which Lloyd’s is that?;  The Cospatrick Disaster;  Donkey Engines;  The Sinking of the Royal George;  Salvaging the Royal George;  Here Be Monsters;  Unlikely Heroes (seabirds!);  Guano: A Perilous Cargo;  Women, Ships and the Sea;  ‘What Harm Could One Do?’: The Disastrous Result of Smoking at Sea;  Ballast: A Hidden History on How to Avoid Shipwreck;  Crank and Stiff Ships: The Impact of Ballast on Maritime Disasters;  Ballast: Contaminating, Confusing and Changing the Environment;  Swimming, Drowning and Amulets: Old Attitudes to Safety at Sea; Coal at Sea: The hazards of cargoes, bunkers, loading, unloading, trimming and shifting; and Coal at Sea: The hazards of overheating, fire and explosion; with more to come in due course.




Take a look as well at our website pages for our books Jack Tar, Trafalgar, Gibraltar and The War for All the Oceans, as well as the many stories in our newsletters (examples include ‘A Broken Horse’ in newsletter 66, ‘HMS Britannia’ in newsletter 48, ‘Selsey Scene’ in newsletter 43, and ‘AI or A1?’ in newsletter 70.

Which Lloyd’s is that?

It can be confusing to have so many names containing the word ‘Lloyd’s’, and in our newsletter 67 we described the main ones – Lloyd’s Coffee House, Lloyd’s of London, Lloyd’s News, Lloyd’s List, Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund, Lloyd’s Register, Lloyd’s Register of Ships and Lloyd’s Register Foundation Heritage and Education Centre. The newsletter piece has now been turned into a blog feature on the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Heritage and Education Centre website. It’s worth checking out for the lovely images alone: hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/blogs/which-lloyds-is-that-exploring-the-many-versions-of-lloyds


We have been writing a variety of stories for the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Heritage and Education Centre website, details of which are given below. The images are often arranged in a sideways sequence, like an old-fashioned 35mm carousel projector display, so you need to click on the arrows to view them all. Keep checking their website for further stories (hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories).



The Cospatrick Disaster

The Cospatrick was a three-masted ‘Blackwall frigate’ and in November 1874 caught fire and sank in the Atlantic Ocean. Over 400 people lost their lives, mostly emigrants bound for a new life in New Zealand. The story is here: hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/the-cospatrick-disaster


Donkey Engines

The curiously named ‘donkey engines’ (and associated ‘donkey boilers’) often occur in the context of shipping, traction engines and the logging industry. We have looked at their use in shipping, why they had such a strange name and the dangers of explosions. The story is told here: hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/the-fascinating-history-and-hazards-of-donkey-engines-and-boilers

The Sinking of the Royal George

The 100-gun warship Royal George, the pride of the Royal Navy, sank at Spithead, close to Portsmouth, on 29th August 1782. This was Britain’s worst shipwreck until the Titanic, and the shocking story is told here: hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/the-sinking-of-the-royal-george

Salvaging the Royal George

The wreck of the Royal George became a hazard in the busy shipping lane and anchorage of Spithead, and over the decades it was the scene of salvage and diving innovation, with diving bells, early diving helmets, explosions and souvenirs. It forms a summary of the development of diving and underwater technology and can be seen here: hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/the-salvage-of-the-royal-george-at-spithead

Here Be Monsters

Pictures of sea monsters feature on many early maps of coastal areas, seas and oceans. This is the story behind those pictures the superstitions, the folklore beliefs and the terror of sinister creatures that mariners and explorers encountered. The story is told here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/here-be-monsters-unveiling-the-terrifying-tales-of-sea-monsters-in-history

Unlikely Heroes

The sight and sound of seabirds have always alerted mariners approaching land, but what is surprising is the link between seabirds, safety, shipwrecks, ladies’ hats, shooting and the 1869 Act for the Preservation of Sea Birds.The story is told here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/unlikely-heroes-of-the-sea-seabirds-crucial-role-in-maritime-safety



Guano: A Perilous Cargo

From the 1840s guano (bird manure) was highly prized for agriculture, especially that from Peru, but it was a perilous cargo for wooden sailing ships, causing fires, explosions, shipwrecks, a sickly odour, corrosion and timber decay, as well as spoiling other cargoes and harming the health of crews.The story is told here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/guano-the-perilous-cargo-of-flammable-and-noxious-fertiliser



Women, Ships and the Sea

Sailors once thought that bad luck was inevitable with any woman on board, and it was therefore easy to blame them for a run of misfortune. In reality, the relationship between women, the sea and ships was always varied and often contradictory. The history of seafaring cannot be understood without recognising this complex situation, because in the past the notion of safety relied on custom and superstition. The story is told here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/women-ships-and-the-sea-the-dangers-of-custom-and-superstition



‘What Harm Could One Do?’

Tobacco was originally used as a medicinal herb, but from the late 16th century smoking with clay pipes was introduced to England. Smoking became completely acceptable behaviour, even aboard wooden vessels, and for 400 years seamen and passengers using pipes, cigarettes and matches were a significant cause of maritime fires and disasters. The story (‘What Harm Could One Do?’ The Disastrous Result of Smoking at Sea) is told here:  https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/what-harm-could-one-do-the-disastrous-result-of-smoking-at-sea



Ballast: A Hidden History on How to Avoid Shipwreck

Ballast was – and is – critical to the safety of all ships, with various materials used, including shingle, sand, stone and iron bars. Ballast needed securing to prevent it shifting and causing a catastrophic shipwreck. Many vessels sailed ‘in ballast’ when they had no cargo. The provision of ballast was a substantial industry worldwide, and in past times much of the loading and unloading was done by hand. You can see the first of our ballast stories here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/ballast-a-hidden-history-on-how-to-avoid-shipwreck


Crank and Stiff Ships: The Impact of Ballast on Maritime Disasters

A problem with ballast was the likely cause of many cases where ships disappeared without trace. Although ballast was out of sight at the bottom of a ship, it was essential for maritime safety. The loading of a sufficient weight of ballast and its careful stowage were crucial for vessels at sea, round the coast and in port. Many accidents and shipwrecks were caused by too little ballast, too much ballast or the shifting of insecure ballast.You can see this ballast story here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/crank-and-stiff-ships-the-impact-of-ballast-on-maritime-disasters



Ballast: Contaminating, Confusing and Changing the Environment

This is the third in our ballast trilogy! Vast amounts of ballast were needed to keep ships safe, which had a severe impact on the environment, especially in its disposal. Some ballast was reused as building materials, but much was dumped illicitly or at controlled shores. In places like the River Tyne, unsightly ballast hills were formed, changing the landscape. Archaeological objects inadvertently carried with ballast have confused evidence relating to the past, while plants, seeds and various creatures have been introduced far from their origins, causing ecological harm. Unsuitable ballast materials, like manure and refuse, could even pose a hazard for seamen, and ballast was subject to quarantine regulations because of contagious diseases. You can see this story here:  https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/ballast-contaminating-confusing-and-changing-the-environment

You can also see a brilliant video on ballast, either on YouTube, or else on the Lloyd’s Register Foundation’s website, on water ballast management.

Swimming, Drowning and Amulets: Old Attitudes to Safety at Sea

This story was launched on 25 July, designated by the WHO as ‘World Drowning Prevention Day’. Death by drowning was a particular fear of mariners, and yet their attitudes to safety at sea were once guided by superstition and custom. Swimming skills in the past and across the world were generally restricted to the poor, though at times became the preserve of the elite. Witches were even associated with swimming. For hundreds of years the most common safeguard against drowning was the possession of an amulet or lucky charm, and cauls were especially prized. You can see this story here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/swimming-drowning-and-amulets-old-attitudes-to-safety-at-sea



Coal at Sea: The hazards of cargoes, bunkers, loading, unloading, trimming and shifting

Coal has always been a filthy, dusty, dangerous cargo, liable to shift in heavy weather if not properly distributed (trimmed). Coal choked pumps and was (and is) liable to spontaneous combustion. Many ships and lives were lost while carrying coal, especially in the heyday of steam power when the demand for coal was enormous. Coal dust was a health hazard for all those involved in loading, trimming and unloading coal cargoes, and in refuelling (bunkering) of steamships. Especially gruelling was the work of the black gang – the firemen and trimmers who kept the boilers running in steamships. You can see this story here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/coal-at-sea-the-hazards-of-cargoes-bunkers-loading-unloading-trimming-and-shifting


Coal at Sea: The hazards of overheating, fire and explosion

Coal has always been a hazardous cargo, and gas explosions and spontaneous combustion were the two most serious causes of danger to ships, crews, passengers and cargoes. In the second half of the 19th century, many more ships laden with coal were lost than with any other cargo, leading to several investigations and recommendations. You can see the full story here: https://hec.lrfoundation.org.uk/whats-on/stories/coal-at-sea-the-hazards-of-overheating-fire-and-explosion

More stories are in progress!


About Lloyd’s Register Foundation

Lloyd’s Register Foundation is an independent global charity that supports research, innovation, and education to make the world a safer place. Its mission is to use the best evidence and insight to help the global community focus on tackling the world’s most pressing safety and risk challenges. For more information, please visit www.lrfoundation.org.uk